Table Tennis Academy

  • Avoiding Staleness in Table Tennis

    Avoiding Staleness in Table Tennis

    Author: Kevin James, ITTF lvl 3 coach, Professional Table Tennis Player For an elite table tennis player, preparing for a tournament is a delicate process of balancing training, recovery, nutrition and the many other factors that go into ensuring a...

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Table Tennis Psychology

    The Ultimate Guide to Table Tennis Psychology

    My original inspiration for this series of articles came from the work of Jack Lesyk (PhD) at the Ohio Center for Sports Psychology, and in particular his paper entitled, ‘Mental Skills Training Using the “Nine Mental Skills of Successful Athletes” Model’. 
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  • Multiball Training

    Multiball Training

    Multiball Training is a kind of table training that involves the continuous feeding of table tennis balls from the trainer’s end of the table to the opposite end where the trainee is situated. Instead of using one ball to perform drill patterns, the feeder, which could be the coach or the trainer or even a co-player, uses a basket of balls and continuously feeds each ball to the player for each stroke throughout the patterns being practiced.
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  • Get Ahead Of Your Opponent Through Your Service

    Get Ahead Of Your Opponent Through Your Service

    Bet at first you thought that serving the ball in table tennis is only for the sole purpose of transporting it to the opponent’s side so you can finally start the rally. Well, it is not entirely wrong you know, it is indeed the starting point of a rally. But let us not limit it to that because there are other advantages when the ball is in your possession and you are the one serving.
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  • Different Kinds of Table Tennis Rubbers: Which One Should I Choose?

    Different Kinds of Table Tennis Rubbers: Which One Should I Choose?

    Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player or someone who is just starting to take an interest in table tennis, chances are you have already seen and tried browsing through table tennis equipment brochures and ever wondered, with so many rubbers to choose from, how and what do you choose? To some, rubber descriptions and ratings written on the packaging might make sense, but to many, probably not. So, how do you really differentiate table tennis rubbers from one another?
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